She Came to Start Me Up (a poem)
When that first warm breeze
kissed my skin
I sat here thinkin
Spring, please come on in
I’ve waited so long
to feel your touch.
“Come around here much?”
I said,
playing, googly-eyed with the stars
listening to cars
pass by outside.
I look up to see
as the breeze picks up
floating pink blossoms
over my face
and I think,
this is the place
I’m meant to be,
feeling bliss.
Gratitude has it’s merry way
with my soul
making me know
magic exists.
And the moon?
She was born for me,
and all the wild,
woman I can be.
I gaze at the stars again,
remember I’m here for this
and not the shit
everyone seems to think
is it.
I’m meant for the magic.
The wonder.
The light.
The dark.
Meant for it all.
So I greet the breeze
with all of me
instead of half-assed.
No doubt in my heart
she came tonight,
passed through
to start me up
and help me write this poem.
Laura Di Franco, MPT is an intuitive writing strategist, holistic physical therapist and third degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do with over two decades of experience in healing. Praised as “our favorite class” by The Writer’s Center, her brave, intuitive writing and healing workshops are the reason she was born. She helps writers get their badass, authentic voice published in order to heal the world with their words. Her new book, Brave Healing; a Guide for Your Journey is due out June 1st! Find Laura at and her Brave Healer Facebook Page.