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Running Out of Gas this Holiday? How to Ensure Your Soul-Gauge is in Good Working Order
The empty cup or tank dilemma is a mind-body problem. It doesn’t matter so much if your tank is empty or full, what matters is that you actually notice before you run out of gas.
I just read a blog that reminded me it’s okay to drain my tank, as long as I fill it back up again. Brilliant. This isn’t about never having an empty tank. Your tank will be empty some days, weeks, months or even years. You’ll have adventures, live life, and burn some gas.
It’s what you do about that that matters.
The goal isn’t to always have full tank. This life is a dynamic process of up and down, empty and full. There are also degrees of full or empty. It’s normal to be running low some days.
You know what matters more than the level? The awareness of the level. Your gas gauge.
How’s your gauge? Is it in working order? Can you feel when you’re getting a little tired and need to recharge? Or are you so numb to it, you’re on empty before you get to tomorrow and then you feel that sniffle coming on?
The awareness of the level of full or empty is how you’ll know to fill again. Ignoring the gauge — well…you’re going to run out of gas on the highway at night in the middle of nowhere and look down…