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How to Inspire Yourself with Movies; Here’s a List of 59 Great Ones!

Laura Di Franco, MPT


I’m a writer with a mission to inspire. Some days I’m not. Inspired that is. Some days I have to cultivate it. I received an email the other day from Jon Morrow with a free gift inside. He put together a string of movie clips to help us feel before we sat down to write. And, voila! I was inspired!

I got an idea in my head to post a comment on Facebook. Give me the best inspirational movie you’ve seen, and bonus points if it’s not about football, I said. This was the kind of post you write in one of those moments when you can’t for the life of you remember one inspirational movie to type in the Netflix search box.

I ended up with these 59, from my amazing Facebook friends, and a list that’ll take me more than a minute to watch! No more excuses — inspiration is mine!


In alphabetical order here are 59 of the best inspirational movies or shows for your viewing pleasure. Yes, there’re some football movies on the list!


About Time

August Rush

A United Kingdom

Billy Elliott

Captain Fantastic

Conversations with God


Dead Poets Society

Eat Pray Love

Finding Forrester

Forrest Gump

GI Jane

Good Will Hunting

It’s a Wonderful Life

Hidden Figures


I Love My Life in Ruins


Lars and the Real Girl

Legally Blonde

Life is Beautiful


Mary Kom

Mask (Starring Cher, not the other guy)


Mighty Ducks (Okay, I almost just typed Mighty Dicks — now that would be inspirational)


October Sky

Pay it Forward

Peaceful Warrior

Piper (an animated short)


Pretty Woman




Shawshank Redemption

Slumdog Millionaire

Star Wars

The Blind Side

The Fountain

The Goonies

The Green Mile

The Intouchables

The Iron Fist

The Longest Ride

The Music Within

The Pursuit of Happyness

The Replacements

The Secret

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

The Shack

The Theory of Everything

The Way of The Peaceful Warrior


War Room

We Bought a Zoo

Wings of Desire

Maybe you have one to add to our list? And Facebook peeps — add a little note in the comments about the one you listed, and why you loved it!

Laura Di Franco, MPT is a holistic physical therapist, published author, poet, blogger and black belt with over two decades of experience in healing. Her transformational programs combine the empowering tools of body awareness and therapeutic writing to help you learn the language of your intuition and gain the clarity you crave for your life and business. Laura’s enthusiasm is contagious and the spark that’ll inspire you to make the change you’ve been afraid to make. She’s the sherpa you’ve been looking for! Want a workshop that’ll give you practical powerful tools you can use to heal yourself today? Find them at And more free inspiration on my Facebook page HERE. Pick up my new free eBook: 7 Badass Habits of Next Level Living HERE!



Laura Di Franco, MPT

Your words will change the world when you’re brave enough to share them!