Heal Yourself; 25 People I Know Who Can Teach You How

Laura Di Franco, MPT
6 min readApr 18, 2020


Imagine knowing 25 powerful healers; people who understand the secrets and practices to achieving peak health, happiness and performance, mind, body and soul. And imagine having their combined wisdom at your disposal.

Well, I know these people and we’re about to give every one of you that gift.

Choosing a career in healthcare was about helping people, for most of us; an honorable path, full of purpose and fulfillment. What many of us didn’t realize until much later in our careers was that it’s our duty to trailblaze the way for others, walk our walk, and teach what we’ve discovered about healing, even if it means being called names.

Yes, names.

Because “holistic” and “alternative” methods, while they’re much more accepted by our culture nowadays, haven’t been so much in the past. Those of us who knew early on that if you don’t treat the whole mind-body-soul when you help a client you’ll never get lasting results, are used to words like “woo woo.”

Doesn’t mean we like it. And it doesn’t mean we’re going to stand for it anymore.

All it really means is that we’ve been gently, but with the proof of lasting results, nudging people in the direction of the powerful healing modalities that really work, whether there’s evidence of that or not. We’ve kept our heads down, persisted in our mission, and kept sharing about the transformative moments we’ve had in our own lives, bodies and minds, as a result of the healing modalities we practice and have mastered. We’ve persisted in telling those stories to whoever needed to hear them. Because we know someone will be helped by that.

Science is catching up. Hallelujah. Seriously, it’s about time. Now we know you’ve heard of things like meditation, sound healing, Akashic Records, breathwork, ancestral energy, crystals, yoga and essential oils. The real question is, have you dabbled yet? If not, what are you waiting for?

Dabble you will…because the longer you pay attention to the truly life-changing stories around you, the more curious you’re going to be.

I’ve been dabbling my entire life; a thirty year career-worth. I’ve tried and been trained in, many a healing modality, from the far left-brained, traditional versions, to the right-brained woo end of the spectrum. What I know is there’s definitely something you haven’t tried yet that could change everything.

How’s that for a huge shot of hope?

So if you’re like many of my clients were when they found my alternative ass, you’re finally feeling like someone might be able to help you, but you’re still skeptical, because you feel like you’ve been there, done that, and the ten doctors you’ve seen couldn’t help you.

I hear you.

Really, I hear you. My traditional-turned-holistic-and-alternative physical therapy path has shown me gifts I never knew existed. And most of the moments I spent listening to teachers preach the “One way that’s right,” I knew in my heart there were thousands of ways. And that there is always hope. And that there’s so much we still don’t know about what’s possible.

I decided to get a few teachers together; the ones who believed in collaboration; one huge badass collection of healers and practitioners who’d be willing to share their tools and gifts with you as a way of empowering you. Because healing is an inside job. We are only facilitators. And true healers not only help you feel good, they help you realize and practice your own healing power.

If you’ve ever been told by a doctor that, “It’s in your mind,” or “We can’t see anything on the scans,” or “Take this pill,” or anything else that made you feel hopeless, devalued and resigned to a life of pain or dysfunction, listen up. What if there’s something you haven’t learned yet that could change everything?

On March 20, 2020, I woke up from a dream with an idea. I’ve had many of these kinds of magical and inspired moments since I started listening. I rolled out of my bed and walked to the kitchen, sat my butt on the barstool and opened up the laptop.

“Ladies, I’ve been thinking about this for a really long time, like about 4–5 years. If I choose to take this on, who of you amazing women would like to contribute a chapter to a co-authored book? I’m thinking of doing a “Self-Healing” “Self-Care” tool book, where each goddess teaches one tool in their chapter, with a personal story of how you came to loving to teach that. We have so many amazing women in here teaching so many amazing healing modalities…”

I posted this note in a Facebook group that exists for an online course I teach called Intuitive Writing and Speaking for Healer Entrepreneurs. I had 17 yeses in 24 hours. And after a few more reach outs, I had all 24 yeses in 48.

Book cover design by Christy Collins: Constellation Book Services

Since that day something bigger has run this book project. And when I really take in the amount of collective knowledge, wisdom, training, passion and practice we have as a group, I have to pinch myself. It’s incredible. And it’s coming your way in a couple weeks.

Here are 10 things I want you to know about this new book:

  1. There will be something you haven’t heard before
  2. There will be something you haven’t tried before
  3. The authors truly care about your journey and are here to help you
  4. The book will be a survival guide and a preventative toolkit for you
  5. The stories will deeply inspire you
  6. The stories will help you feel brave
  7. The authors have mastered their modality and teach it for a living; you’re in good hands
  8. The breadth of wisdom in these chapters is just the tip of the iceberg of what’s possible
  9. These authors have walked their walk and continue to do that every day
  10. The energy in this book is palpable.

Our launch date is coming soon. I know, what a tease, right? In the meantime, you can grab a sneak peek free chapter and get announcements about some incredible launch day bonuses HERE.

The 25 home self-healing tools taught in this book are a true opportunity to change your life. I know you’re ready to dive onto this journey with us! Here is a list of the author team for this book. #purebadasses

From top left to right: Lisa Karasek, Quantum Healer, Dr. Shelley Astrof, Dr. Erika Putnam, M’elle Pirri-Lee, PT, Sharon Carne, B.Mus., Manuela Rohr, BDY/EY, C-IYAT, PRYT, Carolyn McGee, Nikki Richman, M.Ac., Laura Di Franco, MPT, Dr. Stacy Snow, Izabela Adamus, PT, Laura Mazzotta, LCSW, Dr. Joyce Fishel, Hemali Vora, MPT, Barbara Bustard, Shellie Mekash, CMT, Dr. Alice Langholt, Jacqueline Kane, Lori Calvo, MHSA, Bonnie Chase, RN, Tina Serocke, OTR, Karen Tasto, CPC, Ian Morris, Raelin Saindon, Gerise Pappas, CPC

Make sure you leave a comment here and tell us about one of your favorite healing modalities!

Laura Di Franco is the owner of Brave Healer Productions where she’ll help you share your story, build your business and change the world. With three decades of expertise in holistic physical therapy, a third-degree black belt and eight books, she has a clear preference for being badass but she’s also the champion of entrepreneurs who want to grow their health-based practices. Her writing workshops, business strategy sessions, and online writing club are just some of the ways she helps talented professionals maximize their professional impact. www.BraveHealer.com



Laura Di Franco, MPT

Your words will change the world when you’re brave enough to share them! www.BraveHealer.com