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Can You Tell Me What My Guides Are Saying? Why Healing Should Never be Passive.

Laura Di Franco, MPT
6 min readOct 1, 2018


If you think healing is about being fixed by a healer, you’ve missed the key to the real magic; your own healing power. I sat down with Arielle “Dahlia” Cordoba, the owner of Crystal Cognizance, this week and we had a great discussion about taking responsibility for your own healing!

Arielle Cordoba, Priestess and Energy Worker, Crystal Intuitive and Specialist, and Quadruple Certified Reiki Master/Teacher, understands the importance of self empowerment. When brainstorming the topic of a collaborative workshop we had a talk about why people just want to be fixed vs. learn how to heal themselves.

Q: “I heard a quote the other day, “Sell them what they want, but give them what they need.” Can you relate to this Arielle? Why don’t people know what they really need?

A: “Great question! In all actuality they do know what they need. Many second guess and question those needs and feel safer relinquishing their power to “professionals” or those that they deem better suited to make decisions for on their behalf. Consider children; most have opinions and preferences but in an effort to maintain some level of control and balance in their lives we impose rules and regulations. This is needed but sometimes never corrected within enough time to create adults that learn to navigate the highs of success and the lows of disappointment. Some children are even subject to fear-based discipline and as adults have not learned to foster an independence and confidence in themselves.

Q: “As a healer I believe part of our journey is to model what we teach. We teach what we most need to learn. So what do you teach? And how has that related to your personal journey?”

A: “I teach self-empowerment and self-exploration to learn the fruits of your gifts and to accentuate that meaningful reason why you incarnated into this life in hopes that you will share that with others. All but a handful of people who have mentored me have encouraged self-exploration and personal mastery on some level. This has led to powerful experiences with subtle energies, crystals, and meditation. In the majority of our classes, we encourage this exploration in a safe and judgement free environment. What was not always made clear to me, is that this is a constant journey with many new chapters and layers. So all of this has shaped my journey of self-acceptance and appreciation for myself and others who grace my life with even one moment of presence. Now through classes, general conversation, and appointments, the shop facilitates moments of reflection and re-framing for those that want or need it.

Q: “Do you believe anyone can connect to their intuition and get the answers they want clarity on? What are people missing as far as connecting like that?”

A: “Not only do I believe that it’s possible for everyone to connect with their own intuition and get answers, but it’s an absolute necessity! The biggest shortfall I’ve seen with an inability to connect with intuition is a lack of trust within themselves. Previously having made poor decisions, many have a hesitation in moving forward. They lack an understanding and recognition that they made the best decision that they could with the tools, strength, and knowledge that they had at the time. That is to say that the tools, strength, and knowledge may have been limited at that time and hindsight is 20/20.

Q: “I had a coach who is psychic and for a long time I found myself texting her asking for the kind of sessions where she’d tell me what my guides were saying, until she taught me how to be my own psychic. Do you use people like that? How/when/why do you? When are you able to trust yourself, vs. times you need to look outside yourself?

A: “I have a handful of people I trust. So the answer is a proud, “YES!” However, I’ve learned that seeking these individuals for help works best when I’m too emotionally invested in a subject to see/hear/feel/know clearly what my guides are presenting to me.”

“I will also seek these individuals out on topics I’m not familiar with or that they have mastered. Emotions have the power to alter everything in life. With time, practice, and trust I’ve learned to doubt less of the guidance that I receive on my own outside of the emotional circumstances.”

“I spent a lot of time in the beginning seeking validation on the guidance I would receive. To this day I do have moments of questioning and I allow that to unfold in front of me rather than stifling it. This allows a safe and positive release so that I can move forward with the divinely guided process and information. But I have also learned to allow the validation I am seeking to be the results of following the provided higher guidance. If things do not go as planned, I will reflect, seek once more, and make adjustments. If the stakes of the guidance received from your guides are very high, move forward incrementally so that you can see how things are working out step-by-step!”

Q: “ I believe taking responsibility for your own healing is a warrior’s path. When we participate in “passive” healing — going to people for the answers, or to be “fixed” we are not empowered. How do you encourage people to empower themselves like that, vs. just look for the quick fix?”

A: “First and foremost I impart to as many people as will hear me, that there is nothing to be fixed. You are perfect for this moment and will grow and adjust as and where needed in your daily life and over the long term.”

“Not only do we provide classes that encourage various types of self-healing on some level but also, as we sit with people who grace the doorways of Crystal Cognizance, we as a community share the light I see within the person through unconditional love and understanding.”

“We also provide services that facilitate the first step in a positive direction of self-healing. Within my intuitive reading sessions, I will often discuss tarot/oracle card meanings as if I were teaching in class, ways that the individual can protect and empower themselves through subtle energy and conventional means.”

“We also discuss ways in which they can take empowering steps in their lives that they themselves have come up with on their own. This leaves them feeling like they have a secure foot-hold in a plan for growth and change. It is then my hope that they will continue down this path of making life into what they want knowing that they are capable of making sound decisions or adjustments along the way. Simple things such as breath work, mindfulness, crystals, and meditation are encouraged as well as continued channels for supporting self-healing at every stage and level.”

You all can find out more about Arielle and Crystal Cognizance HERE.

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with this question: What if there’s something you haven’t learned yet about your own healing power that could change everything? Feel free to join us in the comments with your questions, ideas and addition to this amazing discussion!

Laura Di Franco, MPT is the owner of Brave Healer Productions and a powerhouse who writes to Feng Shui her soul. She’s the author of Brave Healing, a Guide for Your Journey, her sixth book to help inspire your fiercely alive whole self. Join her Brave Healer Network and write words that build your business and heal the world. The Write Habit online writing club is now open at



Laura Di Franco, MPT

Your words will change the world when you’re brave enough to share them!