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12 Expert Holisitc Tips for Thriving Through Change

Laura Di Franco, MPT
8 min readSep 12, 2021


This was going to be about becoming an empty nester.

But change happens in so many different ways, I thought. This is really about what happens inside, no matter what is changing.

I agreed with my wise self and decided to reach out to my healer friends for their best tips. I roll with pretty amazing, talented, and very experienced practitioners and coaches who do this mind, body, soul health and wellness thing every day.

I felt the shift in energy in my home immediately in August when both kids moved to the University of Maryland. I’m sensitive like that. And because my son, now a senior, was home for COVID, he left, again, along with my freshman.

“Wait, it’s not supposed to happen like that,” I said to my mom. “It was supposed to be one at a time!”

Months earlier, I dreamt of the little party I’d have, a chance to run around in my underwear and not have to worry about privacy for once in 18 years. The reality was, I missed them almost immediately. The change surprised me. I thought I’d be ready for it. I wasn’t. I dealt with tears and feelings I didn’t expect, along with a barrage of inner critic noise trying to convince me I didn’t do it (motherhood) right.



Laura Di Franco, MPT

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